Technological advancement has really taken the game a notch higher by bringing education and learning from onsite to online. It has levelled the playing field for everybody by removing time and space barriers. Today’s challenges are fuelling the development of even better technology that supports education outside of the four walls of the classroom.

Challenges of online learning
Just like any other new thing or endeavour, online learning comes with challenges that can sometimes overwhelm more than motivate. Here are some of these challenges.
1. Adaptability
While a lot of people think it’s easier and more convenient to have online classes, they do not consider the adaptability issues involved in the situation. For one, students will have to learn how to use the internet and computers more extensively. This is really challenging for those whose computer literacy skills are below average. While a student’s facial reaction to a lesson is easier to spot in a face-to-face class, allowing the teacher to address any confusion or issue, this may not be the same in online learning. In fact, shy students might feel uncomfortable raising their questions.
2. Technical issues
Even with technology, we still cannot say that the internet connection is strong everywhere. This causes a big issue as many students who have a poor connection will miss classes. Aside from this, computer hardware and software issues are also another problem. If a student’s equipment does not meet the requirements of the course, he will most possibly lag behind his classmates. This situation worsens if a student has to go to an internet café to get access to a computer with internet connection.

3. Time management
There are two sides to a coin, and this applies to online learning as well. On the one side, students have control over their time, especially in self-paced classes. They can arrange their own schedule and do their classes whenever they want. However, on the other side of the coin, this can lead to laziness and complacency. Because online learning lets students control their time, it can result in procrastination.
How to succeed in online learning
Truly, these barriers exist and need to be addressed to succeed in online learning. Here are some helpful tips.
1. Acknowledge that there is a problem
In order to find a solution to a problem, students must first acknowledge that there is a problem—a challenge. Then, identify what it is. There could be just one or several, and each of these issues should be identified. It’s better to list them down and put a bit of description for each that states how it’s affecting one’s classes.
2. Create a productive learning environment
You don’t have to set up a classroom at home to do this. A small corner in a quiet part of the house, even your bedroom, suffices. Put a working table that’s dedicated only for school work and place everything you need for your classes within reach. Avoid cluttering it by putting away food, photos, posters, and gaming consoles as these can keep you from focusing on the lesson.
3. Create a specific schedule for doing classwork
If your online learning schedule is fixed, then, this won’t be an issue. However, if it’s self-paced and self-directed, you need to create a specific schedule for doing class work. And when you do, don’t be busy with anything else. Homework while watching Netflix? Never a good idea!
4. Keep a calendar
A calendar lets you visualize the things that need to be done and when they need to get done. If you’re comfortable using an online calendar or any app for that purpose, do it by all means. However, if you still prefer to use the traditional method of having a tabletop calendar, then, that’s your call. Do it the way your online learning endeavours can benefit. Having a calendar lets you plan your activities ahead and ensure that you can meet deadlines.

5. Take notes
Online learning makes it tempting to skip taking notes, right? After all, the teacher sends the reading materials. However, according to an article on LinkedIn, researchers found that information found in notes have a 34 percent chance of being remembered, while those not found in notes only had a 5 percent chance of being remembered. Moreover, taking notes as the teacher discusses saves you a lot of time since you won’t have to spare another hour or two just to read the materials again and take notes.

So you see? Everything has a solution. If distractions are a problem, we have named some tips above to help you succeed at online learning.
And if you’re looking for online courses that you can do at your own pace anywhere you’re comfortable, do visit Mumsinc. It has nationally-recognised courses if you’re looking to improve your education, skills, or return to work.