In the previous decades, earning a bachelor’s degree was everything people needed to land a job, though people who had a master or doctorate degree got higher positions and better pay. However, job competitions are not only tough, but they constantly change too. Today, the above mentioned credentials are just the basic requirements to launch one’s career, making it necessary to advance one’s skills set by acquiring a certification or online qualification.

How does a certification differ from a degree?
A degree is an advanced education option that can be achieved by completing years of study. It includes taking subjects that range from general education to major and specialty courses.
A certification, on the other hand, is an online qualification acquired after the completion of a specific task or area. This means that students don’t necessarily have to take general education classes but focus only on subjects related to the skill being acquired.
A certification takes a shorter time to complete than a degree and offers students a fresh and deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Reasons to get an online qualification
Online qualification such as certifications means more than just being a past time. These courses can benefit you and your career far more than you can imagine. Below are some of the reasons to get an online qualification.
1. It boosts your resume
Even if your resume already reflects your degrees, additional certifications can definitely give it a boost, especially if these are related to your current specialisation. For example, if you have a degree in Information Technology and a certificate in information systems security, employers will find you more qualified than someone who simply has a degree.
2. It allows you to have full control over your schedule
One of the top advantages of getting an online qualification is having full control of your time since you can log in and out anytime you want. Self-paced certification courses allow you to learn while taking care of your other life commitments like a job and the family. Additionally, you can save time on commuting since you can do it anywhere.
3. It offers a more affordable option than a degree
We all know how much a college degree costs. It can become even more expensive with the type of science course to take, the number of semesters it should take to complete, and the reputation of the university offering the degree. An online certification is more affordable because it takes a shorter time to complete, and it requires a fewer number of units.

4. Learning is a lifelong journey
Remember that each year produces thousands of graduates who can fill vacant positions and even replace under-performing employees. It is, therefore, imperative to invest in acquiring new skills and expand your education at every stage. According to a survey by Pew Research, 87% of employees believe in the importance of getting training and learning a new skill throughout their work life to keep up with the changing trends of the workplace.
5. A degree may not be needed
There are more jobs today that don’t require a college degree but only a certificate.
Getting ahead in the competition requires investing time, money, and effort in online qualification. Don’t be behind by checking out Mumsinc, a site that helps provide information, support, and flexible learning courses for mums who are looking to improve their education, skills, and return-to-work opportunities.